Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams and Latent Content

1. I had a past dream where I kept seeing clowns everywhere I went. And not just any clowns but scary ones. (I am afraid of clowns) This dream was awful for me. Dreammoods.com says that a dream like this may represent a mysterious person that means to harm me and that somebody I know may not be who I think they are.

2. I once had a dream that is still very vivid. My dad and I were driving across a bridge and there was a car accident where our car went over the bridge and plunged into the water. Dreammoods.com says I might have dreamed this because of deep anxieties or fears. Or I could be pushing myself too hard.

3. I had a dream where I would receive candy for my deeds. I loved it. According to Dreammods it symbolizes joys and special treats in life

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