Monday, January 17, 2011

John Nash

Atypical- John Nash showed atypical behavior when he began imagining things such as Charles and his other hallucinations.

Disturbing- John Nash's actions were disturbing when you would have conversations and interact with his hallucinative counterparts. Other people would be disturbed by this because people typically don't have furious arguments with nothing.

Maladaptive- John Nash not taking his medication was maladaptive becaus the medication was given to him so he would stop seeing the hallucinations and be able to live normally without seeing the delusions.

Unjustifiable-  John Nash leaving the baby unattended in the bath could be seen as unjustifiable because leaving a baby alone to drown doesn't have much reasoning. Even though he believed that somebody was watching the baby seeing the people that really didn't exist there still isn't very good reasoning for believing this.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Little Albert

1. The article says that the hypothesis did indeed match the conclusion because they gave him objects, banged the bar, and the child feared the objects in the future.

2. Along with fearing rats, he began fearing other items of similarity, such as the santa mask. This shows generalization.

3. They were used by pairing the rabbit with pleasant things like ice cream.

Personality Inventories

Results from Test 1:

You are: ENFP
  • very expressed extravert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed perceiving personality
Our test has rated you on the same characteristics professional psychological tests would use to classify the "Big Five."
Your Most Dominant Characteristic is:

Your Least Dominant Characteristic is:


    Twilight Zone-Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

    I think that in Kimberly, Wisconsin beauty in women is skinny, tan, make up done, nice clothing on, etc. I think that some of the things that we see as beautiful has been shaped by the media from Hollywood. Therefore some of the things people think is beautiful is unrealistic, such as being tan. Its easy for the media and people in Hollywood to be tan all the time because they live in California where it is almost always sunny and hot enough for you to wear warm clothing and tan your body.

    I think beauty does change. Over time people's ideas of what is beautiful change. A long time ago it was more attractive for a women to be pale which is the opposite of what it is now. Men used to look good if they had the George Washington haircut. Even things as simple as the fashion styles change often. Not too long ago overalls were the in thing and now i can't remember the last time I even saw a pair of those.

    The ending to the Twilight zone was kind of surprising because it was really good at showing how beauty can be perceived differently by others. I thought that the women that looked like you and me was fairly good looking while the others scared me a little. but nobody in the twilight zone show thought they looked odd at all. it makes me wonder if people from other places such as another country think that we look weird when we actually think we look good.

    Tuesday, December 21, 2010

    Dreams and Latent Content

    1. I had a past dream where I kept seeing clowns everywhere I went. And not just any clowns but scary ones. (I am afraid of clowns) This dream was awful for me. says that a dream like this may represent a mysterious person that means to harm me and that somebody I know may not be who I think they are.

    2. I once had a dream that is still very vivid. My dad and I were driving across a bridge and there was a car accident where our car went over the bridge and plunged into the water. says I might have dreamed this because of deep anxieties or fears. Or I could be pushing myself too hard.

    3. I had a dream where I would receive candy for my deeds. I loved it. According to Dreammods it symbolizes joys and special treats in life

    Wednesday, November 24, 2010

    Bullying and Harrassment

    Talking to Mr. Verboomen really made me think. I thought it was interesting on how he used an example of himself being small and having people talk about him. I had some thoughts and then when he said that he was the one we were talking about it made me feel kind of bad. That was eye opening. I think that acceptable teasing is when your flirting, teasing with your friends, or its obvious that your just playing around with someone without crossing any boundaries that may hurt someone. I think that if people would just think about what they say before they say it then that would help stop people from saying things that inadvertently hurt people. I also think that if we make it more aware and if Mr. Verboomen talked to more classes then people might think about it more.